My Business Philosophy Alignment

Hello! My name is Tess and I am the founder of Pet Care Blue Ridge. We are a small-scale Hendersonville, North Carolina based pet care business offering drop-ins, walks, and over-nights for your furry companions. I have been working with animals for my entire life and I believe that every being, no matter what species deserves to be loved(adored, even!) and to have their basic needs met during the work day. A lot of folks work 8+ hours during the day which means their best friend, therapeutic companion, play mate, furry family member is waiting; waiting to be played with and waiting to pee. My thought on this is very simple: Let your pet have a good day where basic needs are met such as exercise, walks, and bathroom breaks.

I have been working with animals in all walks of my life, starting out on a homestead as a child. We always had dogs, cats, chickens, goats, and rabbits, etc., and caring for them is one of my most cherished memories. Currently, I have been doing animal care as a side job for the past 8 years in Western Carolina but really wanted to expand into running a business and doing this full-time.

I am currently servicing Hendersonville, North Carolina as my home base and some surrounding areas including Saluda, Columbus, and Flat Rock.